Come and join us playing touch rugby! Fun, active, social and no experience required!
New in 2024, we're adding a 14-weeks of Friday Night Touch League and your registration allows you to participate in both Tuesday Night Touch and Friday Night Touch Leagues.
Tuesday Touch Sessions:
May 14 - October 29, Tuesdays 6:30pm-8:00pm
- Coached by Celeste Corless
Friday Night Touch Leagues:
- Spring Touch League: May 17 - June 28, Fridays 6:30pm
- Autumn Touch League: September 6 - November 1, Fridays 6:30pm (moving to 6:00pm in October)
Who can join?:
- Anyone!
- Moms, player's family members, friends, coaches, anyone!
- Anyone new to the sport who want so give it a try
- Membership Questions:
Note: registrants will be provided t-shirts only if registered prior to June 15.
*Fees include a $12.50 Capital Fund Levy except for already registered members.